Main Solution is specialized in the construction of special automated machines and plants. We take care of all phases from design to sale through production, thanks to which we are able to offer the latest generation of efficient, functional machines that can be adapted to the most varied circumstances on the market.

Our service is complete, designed to always guarantee maximum operational efficiency and aimed at the full satisfaction of each customer.

Machine tending is carried out using robots and aims to increase the productivity of a company. In fact, the robot works continuously and performs operations even without being manned. Their functionality can be modified according to the various production needs, always guaranteeing maximum efficiency, greater productivity and significant savings on the production line.

Machine tending systems: functionality and efficiency at your service

Main Solution produces systems for the tending t of work centers, transfers, lathes, presses, machine tools and systems in general.

Our company designs them in a personalized way so as to be able to respond to customer needs and the type of machine to serve. Machine vision systems are also available.

Robotic automation is used in tending machine on tools in order to guarantee our customers greater flexibility and the possibility to optimize the performance of the company. They can be supplied with auxiliary equipment in compliance of course with all current safety standards.